Library Card Sign-Up Month
We have something very special available for the first time this September, a limited edition library card designed by Dagny Tang! These cards will become available on September 1st and will be available while supply lasts. To acquire this limited edition card make a donation of $5 (or more) to the Friends of the Library!

Ever wonder how much you can save by having a library card? Use this handy dandy Library Value Calculator to find out.
Get in Your Element this September—sign up for a library card! From borrowing books, ebooks, and state park passes to learning new skills or attending story time, a library card helps you do more of what you enjoy. Get a library card and dive into a new hobby. Use your library card to spark your creativity. A library card is your most important school supply—it's elemental, really—and everyone should have one!

To keep up with the different events we offer throughout each month, be sure to visit our Event/Classes page and follow us on facebook! We offer a variety of events each month for multiple different age groups. Our current ongoing events include Musical Moments for preschool age children, Writer’s Group for Adults, Construct & Concoct for teens, and more!

To see all of the services we offer click here. We offer a variety of services, including Technology appointments for persons learning how to use a new device or needing general technology help, free faxes, scanning documents to emails, printing, book suggestions, and research assistance.
We also have online resources available here! One of our favorites is Kanopy. Kanopy is an Online Streaming service that offers free access to thousands of movies, documentaries, kid shows, and more. Kanopy offers the Great Courses for unlimited viewing. Learn how to cook, garden, speak another language, and more, all at no cost to you!
Have questions? Check out our FAQ, call (970)532-2757, or visit us! We are happy to answer.