1. Privacy Statement
​The Berthoud Community Library District (BCLD) is committed to protecting the privacy of
users, staff, donors, and other contacts. BCLD collects personal information in order to provide or improve library services.
This confidentiality extends to information sought or received, materials consulted or borrowed, search records, borrowing records, interlibrary loan records, and other personally identifiable uses of library materials, facilities or services.
Approved 7/09
Revised 4/12/12
Revised 6/8/16
Revised 7/10/19
Revised 8/10/22
2. Use of Public Computers
BCLD maintains sign-up lists for public computers on paper to manage access and for
administrative purposes. The lists are shredded after statistics are recorded. There is no
electronic tracking of workstation use that would enable BCLD to determine who the user was or what was done on the computer after the user logs off. Computer users are responsible for ensuring they have logged off any websites, cleared any browsing history, and deleted any downloads at the end of their computer sessions.
3. E-Mails and Web Forums
BCLD maintains sign-up lists for public computers on paper to manage access and for
administrative purposes. The lists are shredded after statistics are recorded. There is no
electronic tracking of workstation use that would enable BCLD to determine who the user was or what was done on the computer after the user logs off. Computer users are responsible for ensuring they have logged off any websites, cleared any browsing history, and deleted any downloads at the end of their computer sessions.
4. Information Collected and Stored Automatically
When users access BCLD’s web site or download information, certain statistics are
automatically gathered and stored about the visit but not about the user. This information does not personally identify the user. BCLD automatically collects and stores the following
information about the visit:
The Internet domain and IP address from which access to the web site is gained;
The type of browser and operating system used to access the web site;
Only the date of access to the web site and the pages visited is stored;
The address of the website from which the initial visit to BCLD’s web site was launched, if any.
BCLD uses this information to help create a more useful site, and to learn about the number of visitors to our site and the types of technology our visitors use. The data that is collected is not connected to a user’s personal information or identity.
5. Links to Other Sites
BCLD’s web site contains links to other sites. BCLD is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites, which may be different from the privacy practices described in this policy. We encourage users to become familiar with privacy practices of other sites visited, including linked sites.
6. User Borrowing Records
BCLD does not use a paper process to collect and track customer borrowing records. It is done electronically. BCLD belongs to a consortium called Aspencat which electronically maintains information provided by our users at registration. When an item is checked out, that item is then tied to the user’s record in BCLD’s system.
7. Security
For site security purposes and to ensure the integrity of BCLD’s computer system, BCLD uses software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or otherwise cause damage. For information on internet use and filtering by staff or members of the public, see the Computer and Internet Safety and Use Policy.
8. Privacy and Confidentiality of Library Records
Law enforcement agencies may request library records that the officers believe contain
information that may be helpful to the investigation of criminal activity. BCLD records will be made available to any agency of state, federal or local government pursuant to such process, order or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigatory power.
Colorado law provides for the privacy of library use and records under CRS 24-90-119. BCLD complies with this law.