The Berthoud Community Library District (BCLD) is dedicated to providing a safe and
welcoming environment for families and youth. BCLD has created space, structure, and policy
designed to support and safeguard youth.
The youth area of the library building is specifically designed to serve the needs of young users. Adults in that area not using youth materials or not supervising a young library user will be asked to use other areas of the library building. Staff members will place the safety of young people first in any situation.
Parents, guardians, and adult caregivers are exclusively responsible for the conduct, safety, and supervision of children while on the premises. While BCLD staff members value the safety of children, they have many duties to fulfill and cannot supervise youth in the library building or outside the building. If, while serving the youth population, a staff member has concerns over safety or conduct, they will take the following appropriate actions:
Try to locate the adult responsible for the youth within the library building or on the premises, or if possible, by telephone.
If the adult responsible cannot be located within a reasonable time, staff may call local law enforcement to assume responsibility for the youth.
There are instances in which physical contact between youth and staff members is necessary or appropriate. These may include moving a youth out of the way of imminent physical danger, comforting an upset youth when the youth accepts the offer, or returning a physical gesture of affection that does not violate any laws, assuming the youth initiates the contact and the staff member also consents to the contact. These could look like lifting a toddler off a high shelf if the toddler’s guardian is too far away to do so first, holding the hand of a child while searching the library building for their responsible adult, or returning a hug that is offered by the youth.
Staff will not transport any individual, youth or adult, from the library building to another
location. If staff are required to wait after hours with a youth for parents or law enforcement,
two staff members will stay with the youth.
Approved 7/09
Revised 7/13/16
Revised 10/14/2020
Revised 8/10/2022
Revised 9/14/2022
Revised 8/9/2023