The Berthoud Community Library District (“BCLD”) provides access to community information
by providing space on library property for the distribution of free material and the public posting of flyers, notices, and posters. Distribution or posting of such materials on library property does not indicate the BCLD’s, the BCLD Board’s or the BCLD staff’s endorsement of the ideas, issues, events, or organizations promoted or mentioned by those materials.
Criteria for Display
The BCLD gives priority to postings requested by organizations engaged in civic, educational, cultural, or nonprofit activities and to Berthoud organizations and events.
Individuals or businesses engaged in selling products or services for profit are permitted to post or distribute material in designated areas only. This option is only available to residents and businesses located within the BCLD.
For information which is not time sensitive, new material must be submitted every 6months to ensure that posted items are current.
Approval of Postings or Free Materials
Items for posting or free distribution must be submitted to the BCLD CEO for approval prior to posting or free distribution on library property. The BCLD Board and CEO reserve the right to deny posting of any materials. BCLD will not post information that could be considered defamatory, that suggests or constitutes criminal activity, or relate to political events and/or campaigns.
Space Allocation
The BCLD CEO asserts the right and responsibility to ensure that the bulletin board and handout spaces are available on an equitable basis to all groups that meet the above stated criteria. The BCLD CEO reserves the right to designate space for library use only.
Removal and Preservation of Materials Posted or For Free Distribution
​The BCLD CEO and staff will discard materials posted or left for free distribution without
approval by the individual or organization responsible for the posting or materials. The BCLD assumes no responsibility for the preservation or protection of materials posted or placed for free distribution on library property.
Approved 4/26/07
Revised 11/4/10
Revised 5/5/11
Revised 6/8/16
Reviewed 4/10/19
Revised 5/11/2022