The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all visitors to the library have an opportunity to safely enjoy BCLD’s services, materials and facilities without interference or disturbance, and to provide a safe and secure workplace for staff.
Library visitors will:
Treat library visitors and library staff courteously and follow standard library procedures.
Behave in such a way that does not reasonably disturb other library visitors or staff members. Examples of behaviors that could be disturbing are loud/boisterous conversations, obscene/offensive language, running, fighting, threatening and harassing behavior.
Refrain from any conduct that may endanger the health and safety of other visitors or staff or cause damage to library materials or facilities.
Wear shirts and shoes. Wet bathing suits or clothing are not allowed.
Not distribute leaflets, take surveys, collect signatures on petitions, solicit business, electioneer or campaign, or perform similar activities on library property.
Keep personal belongings with you. BCLD is not responsible for any loss of personal belongings, through theft or otherwise. Bulky items that take up excessive space are not permitted in the library building.
Allow library staff to inspect the contents of all bags, purses, briefcases, backpacks, etc, if requested.
Leave bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades and scooters outside.
Use care and maintain a neat area when enjoying food or beverages. Beverages must be in closed or lidded containers.
Be respectful if asked to limit the number of persons who sit together at a single table or computer.
Not openly carrying a knife, blade, firearm or other object that could be used as a weapon; carrying a concealed knife, blade or other object that could be used as a weapon.
Only service animals as defined by the ADA, and animals featured in library sponsored or
approved programs, are welcome in the library building. Pets and emotional support animals are not service animals as defined by the ADA.
Staff may ask visitors that are not cooperating with this code of conduct to leave the library
building. All staff members have the authority to enforce this policy. Should a library patron refuse to cooperate with a request to stop a behavior or to leave the building, the staff member may choose to call the police. If the police are called, the staff member who placed the call must fill out an Incident Report.
BCLD may pursue all legal remedies, including bringing criminal charges against any persons suspected of theft or vandalism of library property or materials, or of any violations on library property of federal, state or local laws, mandates, and ordinances.
Library patrons who disregard this code of conduct may be barred, either temporarily or
permanently, from BCLD.
Adopted 9/24/09; Revised 7/13/16; 12/5/18; 12/1/21; 10/12/22; 11/8/23; 5/8/24; 11/19/24