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Borrowing and Loan Policy

This policy ensures fair access to information for all users and accurate tracking of library
materials. The Library CEO or staff member in charge will use judgment when enforcing policy.

1. Loan Periods

a. Most library materials are loaned for a three (3) week period. State Park Passesand Larimer County Discovery bags are loaned for a one (1) week period.Non-lending materials (in-library use only) include:

  1. Newspapers

  2. Toys and puzzles

  3. Pop-up books

b. Limits on lending

  1. DVDs—15 or fewer

  2. Board Games and Park Passes—one at a time

c. Renewals. Materials may be renewed by telephone or online according to the
following guidelines:

  1. Books 2 renewals

  2.  Audio Books 2 renewals

  3. CDs 2 renewals

  4. DVDs 1 renewal

  5. Periodicals no renewals

  6. Inter-library loans

    1. Books 1 renewal

    2. DVDs no renewals

  7. Board games no renewals

  8.  State Park Passes no renewals

  9. Larimer County Discovery no renewals


Materials that are on reserve for other borrowers may not be renewed.

2. Returns/Overdue

a. Library materials will not be due on days the library building is closed, but willbe due on the next day the library building is open.

b. Library materials may be returned to the library book drop except for boardgames, Larimer County Discovery bags, and State Park Passes, which must bereturned to the front desk. The outdoor book drop is open 24 hours a day.

c. Berthoud Community Library District (BCLD) does not charge overdue fines forany materials.

d. Users receive email notification of overdue items two weeks after the due date,and borrowing privileges are suspended 6 weeks after the due date until materialsare returned or paid for if lost.

e. The electronic bill accessed through the borrower’s library account contains thereplacement cost and processing fee. If the cost is not in the catalog record, adefault cost applies (see Fees this section).

f. Replacement items may be accepted only at the discretion of the Library CEO,Youth Services Librarian, or Data Specialist.

g. Borrowing privileges are suspended when fees reach $10.00. Users must pay allcharges in full before borrowing privileges are reinstated.

3. Lost or Damaged Items

a. Users are responsible for the replacement fee if an item has been lost or has been
damaged beyond repair.

b. The replacement cost will be refunded to the user for lost items that have been
subsequently found and returned. Items must be returned within three (3) months
in order to be eligible for refund. Lost inter-library loan (ILL) items are covered
under the ILL policy.

c. If part of an item is lost, the user will be charged the cost of replacement if the
part can be replaced. If the part cannot be replaced, the user will be charged the
cost of the entire item.

4. Fees for services or lost items

a. Adult Book/hardcover

  • Default Price: $15.00

b. Children Book/hardcover

  • Default Price: $10.00

c. Book/paperback

  • Default Price: $7.00

d. CD

  • Default Price: $10.00/disc

e. DVD

  • Default Price: $15.00

f. DVD sleeve

  • Default Price: $5.00/each

g. Magazine

  • Default Price: $4.00

h. Computer printing or Photocopies

  • Default Prices:

i. Student (school) or tax copies (1st 10 free) $.10/page

  1. ​Black and White (First 10 free): $ .20/page

  2. Color (First 5 free): $ .50/page

5. Reserves

a. Reserves may be placed on any lending item except board games, Larimer County
Discovery passes, and State Park Passes. These items are available on a first come, first served basis.

b. Reserves may be placed in person, by telephone, or online.

c. There is no charge for reserves.

d. A borrower may place up to 100 reserves.

e. Users will be notified by telephone or email when the reserved item is available.

f. Reserved items will be held for one week from the date of notification.

g. Items that are on hold for other borrowers may not be renewed.

h. A borrower may not place a reserve on an item currently on loan to that borrower
or on two copies of the same item.

6. Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL)

BCLD provides interlibrary loan services in accordance with the Colorado Interlibrary Loan
Policy (see Appendix C).

a. Borrowing Policy

  1. All types of materials may be requested through interlibrary loan. Decision to fill the request is left to the discretion of the lending library.

  2. BCLD does not charge for interlibrary loan materials lent out.

  3. If a lending library charges for loaning an item, this charge is passed on to the user.

  4. If a lending library charges for photocopies of journal articles, this charge is passed on to the user.

  5. Loan periods follow BCLD policies, unless the lending library stipulates a different loan period. DVD loan periods through ILL are one week.

  6. Interlibrary loan books may be renewed one time. DVDs may not be renewed.

  7. Borrowers are responsible for lost items. Charges are based on fees charged by the loaning library.

b. Lending policies

  1. BCLD loans all lending books and AV material.

  2. BCLD provides photocopies of magazine articles.

  3. Items are loaned for three weeks. Books may be renewed one time.

  4. BCLD accepts interlibrary loan requests.​​

  • Interlibrary loan items are shipped via the state courier service.

Revised 5/2/02; 6/28/07; 6/26/08; 1/21/09; 8/5/10; 1/6/11; 9/1/11; 6/8/16; 12/5/18; 10/9/19;
12/9/2020; 12/2/2021; 12/7/22; 11/8/23; 12/4/24

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