The Berthoud Community Library District (BCLD) supports its mission of educating, enriching,
and connecting the community. Class development and events are an integral component of
Library service that:
supports BCLD’s role as a public educational institution;
introduces new people to library materials and resources;
provides opportunities for cultural engagement;
provides early and lifelong literacy opportunities;
expands the visibility of BCLD;
implements goals from BCLD’s strategic plan.
BCLD utilizes library staff expertise, - materials, services and appropriate facilities in developing and delivering classes and events. The following criteria are used in making decisions about topics, speakers, and presenters:
community needs and interests;
availability of event space;
treatment of content for intended audience;
presentation quality;
presenter background/qualifications in content area;
library programming budget;
historical or educational significance;
connection to other community classes, exhibitions, or events;
relation to library materials, exhibits and classes.
BCLD’s philosophy of open access to information and ideas extends to library classes and
events, and BCLD does not knowingly discriminate through its class offerings. Classes and
events may not used for commercial purposes to solicit business.
Library sponsorship of a class or event does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the event or the views expressed by participants. Event topics, speakers and resources are not excluded because of possible controversy.
All press releases, fliers, posters, etc. for all classes and events sponsored or co-sponsored by BCLD must be pre-approved by the Library CEO or a designee.
Registration may be required for planning purposes or when space is limited. Classes and events may be held on site or off site.
BCLD also provides space for events that are initiated by the public and held in the Community Room. Use of the Community Room is covered in the Community Room Use Policy.
Library staff will report statistics for events and will evaluate classes and events regularly based on quality, attendance, and community feedback.
Adopted 1/5/12
Revised 6/8/16
Reviewed 9/12/18
Revised: 5/12/21
Revised 2/14/2024