The Berthoud Community Library District (“BCLD”) encourages members of the public to
attend meetings of the BCLD Board of Trustees (“Board”) . It is the policy of the Board to invite
public participation during the public participation portion of the meeting as stated on the
meeting agenda.
Guidelines for Public Introductions and Comment
Members of the public have the right and are encouraged to attend Board meetings, observe its deliberations and participate at appropriate times.
Individuals or organizations desiring to speak at a Board meeting shall request time to speak at a scheduled meeting by notifying the Library CEO or the Board president at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled meeting. The request must include the individual’s or organization’s name, address, purpose of request and the topic or issue to be addressed. However, the Board may agree, by majority vote of the Board members, to hear any individual or organization at any time, notwithstanding the requirements for notice above.
Those desiring to speak should be a cardholder who resides or owns property within the library district’s legal jurisdiction, though the board may at their discretion choose to allow participation from others
Any individual who wishes to speak at a Board meeting must first be recognized by the Board president. Should the request to speak be granted, the Board president may limit the time for presentation. If there are numerous requests to address the Board on the same issue, the president may select representatives to speak on each side of the issue. Those who have been recognized to address the Board is required to begin speaking only after stating their name and address.
These procedures are not designed to restrict the scheduled presentation by members of the public who have regular business with the Board and whose presentations are provided for on the Board meeting agenda.
Revised 6/8/2016
Revised 4/10/2019
Revised 5/11/2022
Revised 6/8/2022