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The Collection Development Policy reflects the diverse needs of the Berthoud community as
well as the Berthoud Community Library District’s (BCLD) mission to provide education,
enrichment, and connection. BCLD is committed to being a good steward of the community’s
tax dollars and community assets.

BCLD advocates for broad and meaningful participation in the library, including the sustained
use of materials. It does not promote or endorse all of the ideas found in its collections or the
discussions those ideas may inspire, but provides the spaces and opportunities for those ideas and discussions.

BCLD protects the right of the individual to access information, even when the content may be
controversial or unacceptable to others. As such, BCLD upholds the American Library
Association’s Library Bill of Rights position statement, including the Freedom to View and
Freedom to Read. Copies of these documents are included in the Appendices.

BCLD is committed to resource sharing at local and state levels as demonstrated by our
membership and participation in AspenCat, CLiC, and Swift Interlibrary Loan. Our membership in consortia demonstrates the idea that engagement, supportive learning, and responsible stewardship are collaborative endeavors.


BCLD will curate a collection to meet the needs of the community. Staff will monitor traditional metrics (borrowing statistics, usage analytics such as downloads and website visits, and usage ratios); qualitative metrics (formal data such as customer feedback, class and service evaluations, and library-wide institutional assessment); and less formal inputs via conversations with the community and professional insight gained during the course of community engagement.

We are format neutral, providing physical and digital collections for our community.

BCLD selections will meet most or all of the following criteria:

  • Literary quality, based on the attention of critics, reviewers, awards, and popularity;

  • The expertise, reputation, qualifications and significance of the author/producer/publisher;

  • Representation of a wide variety of perspectives, authors, ideas, information, stories, andexperiences;

  • Accuracy, timeliness and validity;

  • Format, including physical quality, effectiveness, and ability to meet the needs of people with different disabilities;

  • Cost, including the availability of discounts from vendors, subscriptions, and standingorders;

  • Insufficient availability from other libraries;

  • Supportive of BCLD’s mission and strategic plan


To maintain relevant collections and content in all formats, BCLD must continuously evaluate and deselect materials. Criteria for withdrawing items include, but are not limited to: declining interest, poor condition, unnecessary duplication, or inaccurate or outdated information. Deselected materials are disposed of according to the Disposal of Withdrawn Library Materials procedures. BCLD does not make arrangements to sell or give withdrawn materials directly to specific individuals.

Gifts and donations

BCLD welcomes gifts and donations of materials or money for purchase of items, equipment, or digital content for the collection. BCLD maintains established funds for monetary donations. Donations are tax-deductible. Donations are subject to BCLD’s selection and deselection criteria.

Reconsideration of library materials

Any resident of BCLD district’s legal jurisdiction has the right to request reconsideration of any item in BCLD’s collection. A Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form must be completed and submitted to CEO. No material will be deselected or withheld from circulation while under review. Library staff will evaluate the material as a whole and not selections from it. Further evaluation of the item will follow the Reconsideration of Library Materials procedures listed here:

  • The staff member who purchased the item compares the work as a whole to the selection criteria and decides if the item will remain, be moved to other collection within the library, or be deselected.

  • The CEO will draft a letter to the person who submitted the request explaining the decision as it relates to the selection criteria.

  • If the person who submitted the request chooses to appeal the decision, the Library CEO will compare the work as a whole to the selection criteria and decide if the item will remain, be moved to other collection within the library, or be deselected.

  • The CEO will draft a letter to the person who submitted the request explaining the decision as it relates to the selection criteria.

  • If the person who submitted the request chooses to appeal the decision again, the Library Board will review the actions of staff to ensure the proper procedure and criteria laid out in this policy was followed. If they find the proper procedure was not followed or the criteria was not applied, the Library Board will instruct the Library CEO to evaluate the item using these criteria and procedures. The Library Board does not make any decisions regarding the selection or deselection of any individual items within the collection.

Adopted 6/8/16
Revised 10/14/2020
Revised 08/10/2022

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